Have health challenges?

On a search for Solutions?

The Four-Sparkle-Chi-Sessions Package

Special Summer Sale SAVINGS

Until Midnight July 26th

Video ==> Dorothy's Experience of her Sparkle-ChiSession

WHAT IF YOU COULD BUY HEALTH? I Bet You've Been Told That You Can't.

Some People say that your Health is your Wealth and Without Good Health


Here's an Opportunity, to see where you can go in addressing your health challenges, to get re-energized, to get possibly results you never dreamed could be a part of your reality. How? Simply get this package of Four Sparkle Sessions.

This package comes with a Money Back Guarantee.


Priceless ...To Explore What's Possible for You or for someone else who may be running out of patience in finding the change you've been looking or praying for.

You ARE Special and Deserve the Best because you Always put others first, maybe it's time to put yourself first, instead... It's what you get told every time by the airline stewardess before take off, "Put on your own oxygen mask first, before you start putting on anyone else's."

IF MONEY CAN BUY HEALTH - What Better Gift could you invest in - Risk-Free?

Sparkle-Chi is a powerful healing modality that benefits the body and the immune system, potentially reducing tension and soothing emotions all at the same time. A Sparkle-Chi Session allows clients to feel better, often even better than they ever expected. Some clients have even come away looking and feeling younger! (See e.g. Carol Soderlund, Marilyn Southern and Marilyn K - see photos below)

Special 50% SUMMER SALE Savings


Coupon Code "Me1st"


ONLY for the First TEN Fast Action Takers.


What is Sparkle Chi™?

Video: Michele Ho Lung _ The R.E.A.L. Sparkle Diva and Founder of Sparkle-Chi™ explains what Sparkle is all about.

An answer to your prayers?

Sparkle-Chi™ could be the answer You've been searching for all along. Sparkle Sessions are for you if you've...

  • Tried everything - nothing has worked so far, fully committed and lackluster results are frustrating

  • You've experienced a shift on a previous call with Michele and would like to go further

  • You are ready to try something different that works

  • You are open-minded and a go-getter always ready to act on opportunities that show up

  • You at some level realize that everything is energy and vibration

  • You know you need to trust your gut on this

  • You're getting to the end of your rope...

  • You don't know how you got to this page ... and it feels right to be here!

    There's a saying: Nothing is a Coincidence.

You're probably curious to know more.

Ever had the thought...

That It May Be Time to Explore and Try Something New ...

Or...hmmm... Wish I could snap my fingers and be able to diffuse and eliminate pain, discomfort, stress, frustration, cobwebs in my brain, even trauma?

What if... you could open doors to feeling amazingly better?

You're In The Right Place

At the Right Time...

With the Right Coach- If not now when? If not here, where? If not with Michele, with whom?

By now, can you imagine yourself being totally happy, comfortable in your body and feeling great as you finally found the solution you've been searching for here?

There are no coincidences for you being here right now. Take advantage of this opportunity to get this special offer of the Package of Four-Sparkle-Chi™ Sessions (includes coaching) exclusively with Michele.

AND With the Special SUMMER SALE SAVINGS of 50% with Coupon Code "Me1st" (MeFirst!)

CLIENTS' Sparkle Experience Shares:

Here are a sampling of Sparkle Experiences by Delighted Clients....as they experienced alleviation and elimination of pain and discomfort, grief, shame, blame, sleeplessness, cobwebs on the brain, overwhelm, stuck-ness and got to feel good again, excited and with the energy and clarity to get moving on their goals and dreams.

** All results are the personal experience of these people. Their experiences are unique. There are no guarantees of specific results.

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Carol Soderlund (10 years younger after one session!) ...It was so easy..

Living Color _Fabric Dye Artist , USA

Joel Bauer - She says she has a gift and I think she just may...No one else was sprinkling me!

Mentor Of Mentors, USA

Sandra Cortes Rodrigues - For 8 to 9 years I had this sadness...

HR Manager Alberta, Canada

So the question is...

What time, effort, resources is it costing you to be doing the same old...same old rut, going through the same routine and still hoping for different results?

What would open up for you if you could in fact, experience a change that you may have only thought you could dream about up to now?

Here is an opportunity for you to see for yourself, what could be possible, RISK-FREE, as there is a Money Back Guarantee where Michele takes on all the risk as she is so sure you will experience shifts and change.

So... if money can buy some healing or shift you've been striving for and chasing for weeks, months or even years, would this be worth it?

See below for the Money Back Guarantee!

Then answer the "What Do I have to Lose?" question and decide to Invest in Yourself.

You CAN Sparkle and Shine...

tap into Your Divine Spark and Get a hop to your skip and smiles on your lips with Sparkle!

Still hesitant...?

Watch more delighted Client shares below!


These are truly words coming straight at you, from the heart... NOTHING Lights Michele up more than

helping and empowering her clients to feel better, be better and do better at whatever it is that they are up to!

Kathryn Soraiz - Shares her Shoulder Story

On Real Life Matters - DBOSS TV Show

The Sleep Sage, USA

Marilyn K - I'm excited! I'm feeling kinda normal!

Picture After 3rd Sparkle session.

...Happily Retired Teacher, Ont., Canada

Wilma Monje - I have you in my back pocket

Researcher-Analyst AB, Canada

Ruby Wight - I was a Skeptic...

Reverend, Pilgrimage Tour Operator, Author, USA

Marilyn Southern - After I'm in a different place altogether

Empowering Courageous Women Entrepreneurs, Western Australia

Jeremy Gaul - No pain! I feel good. More people should do it.

Your Chief Technologist and Co-Host of The Sparkle Experience Show, USA

Anh Truong - (PTSD symptoms)

I had a lot of guilt and regrets...

Nurse Supervisor, Ontario, Canada

Ken Thompson - I avoided surgery the next day - 10 years later my arm is still good!

Retired Safety Manager Fort St. John, Can

Pam Heath - I hired her...and I have never looked back from the day I engaged with her. And neither will you... The YES Coach Las Vegas, CA

NOTE: All results above are a small set of clients' personal experiences. They are each beautiful, unique individuals with their own constitution (physical, emotional and mental), and on their own unique journey. As such, their experiences of Sparkle-Chisessions and results are uniquely theirs. There are no guarantees of specific results.

Why 4-Session Package?

There are layers and programs that you may not be ready to release or let go of right away. It is rare, that someone does not notice any shifts at all, during a Sparkle-Chi™ session whether on-line or in person.

We start with four sessions as each session allows us to go progressively deeper, to reveal and clear not only programs, but e.g. thoughts and feelings that trigger emotions and stress, exposed by earlier sessions. Multiple sessions help to support and stabilize healings and empower you to move forward more easily, more energized and with more clarity than before. You will also receive inspired coaching.

Money Back Guarantee

If in the first 15 minutes of the first Sparkle-Chi™ session, you or Michele find this is not for you, you will get your money back, guaranteed.

Sparkle-Chi™ is also effective in a group setting (on-line or in-person).

On a tight budget and interested in getting a

Group Package vs. this 1-on-1 Package

email: support@MentorMeM.com with "Group Package" in the subject line.

Copyright MHL Consult Inc. 2023